100 Years of CPC: Two Views on the Communist Party of China

" It (Communist Party of China) shall give play to the decisive role of market forces in resource allocation and ensure the government plays its role better, and establish a sound system for macroeconomic regulation”: Constitution of the Communist Party of China; revised and adopted at the 19th National Congress, 2017 From the words of Com. Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) & Com. PJ James, CPI(ML) Red Star: A. Excerpts from “Chinese Revolution: Evaluating The 60 Years” - Sitaram Yechury; People's Democracy, 2009; on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution …During the course of the last three decades China has made tremendous strides in development that are incomparable with that of any other country in contemporary history. The average annual double digit growth rate during these thirty years has converted socialist China into an economic power house in the world. When China embarked on its reform process in 1978 many had quipped that socialist China req...